Simple tips to get rid of odour this monsoon

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Simple tips to get rid of odour this monsoon

Posted: 08/22/2015 06:47 PM IST
Simple tips to get rid of odour this monsoon

(Image source from: Simple tips to get rid of odour this monsoon)

Excessive perspiration and humidity in the monsoon season results in body odour that irritates many people. Here are some effective ways to combat with body odour, follow them and stay cool in this monsoon.

Choose a best deodorant and body spray which last for long and have extra powerful fragrance.

Many deodorants mask body odour, but only some of them actually fight bacteria. It is advisable to spray deodorants on your body not on clothes.

The right body spray is also another factor which depends on your mood, occasion and the season. Prefer the right fragrance to enhance your personality and impression.

However, do not use excess perfume since it will only aggravate the problem.

Apply extra virgin coconut oil to your skin as the lauric acid in coconut oil kills bacteria, and makes smell better.

Try to avoid foods with high sulfur content such as garlic and eggs as they are a definite culprit for those with body odour problems.

Reduce the odour through diet if possible by avoiding processed food.

Using anti-bacterial talc will help combat sweat, odour and soggy feeling.

By Lizitha

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