HRT treatment for menopause: Good or Bad?

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HRT treatment for menopause: Good or Bad?

Posted: 04/01/2015 05:05 PM IST
HRT treatment for menopause: Good or Bad?

Are you confused about Hormone replacement therapy by listening to its pros and cons? The new study published by Swedish scientists has found that HRT is associated with a decrease risk of all-cause mortality in women receiving statins.

The researchers collected information in dispensed drugs, comorbidity, cardio vascular outcomes and all-cause mortality from Swedish women aged 40-74 years for about 4 years. Among 40, 958 statin users 2, 862 are HRT users and 38, 096 are nonusers.
The analysis report stated that “among HRT users, 5 cardiovascular deaths occurred per 10, 000 persons-years and 18 deaths occurred among non HRT users. This depicts 42% reduction among HRT users.  The all-cause mortality rates were 33 per 10,000for HRT users and 87 for nonusers. The investigators found no associations with cardiovascular events.

The researchers concluded that using of HRT decreases risk of all-cause mortality in women receiving statins.

AW: Lizitha

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