Here is the way to lighten your stretch marks!

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Here is the way to lighten your stretch marks!

Posted: 06/26/2015 08:05 PM IST
Here is the way to lighten your stretch marks!

Stretch marks are usually observed after pregnancy, or in teenagers who undergo the spurt in growth because of the hormonal changes associated with adolescence. But these cannot be removed permanently. However, here are some home remedies to lighten your stretch marks.

Egg white:

The white of the egg is rich in protein and this is useful in dealing with stretch marks. Collect the whites from two eggs, whip gently and apply as a thick layer onto the marks. Once the egg pack has totally dried, rinse it out with water and then moisturise the area by applying some olive oil.

Vitamin application:

Vitamin E has antioxidant properties. So it prevents the damage of collagen that can lead to skin damage. Open a few Vitamin E and A capsules and mix both. Apply on the marks till it gets absorbed totally.


Aloevera offers many beauty benefits. You can take a stem of aloe vera and scoop out the fresh pulp. Rub this gently on the marks for around 10 minutes. Leave it on for another five minutes, then rinse off.

Oil massage:

Oil massage can be a best treatment to lighten stretch marks. For this, Sweet almond oil mixed with wheatgerm and argan oil can help. When this is massaged twice every day on the stomach, from the first trimester of pregnancy, stretch marks are not formed.

By Lizitha

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